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Statamic Mux is an addon for integrating the Mux video encoding and streaming service into Statamic sites.


The main goal of this addon: make working with videos as easy as working with images. All the magic happens behind the scenes: videos are mirrored to your Mux account and can start streaming within seconds using the official <mux-video> web component as a drop-in replacement for the native video element.


Direct sync
Mirror locally uploaded videos to your Mux account

Seamless video upload workflow
Just drop the original video files directly into the backend

No custom fieldtype required
Handle and display videos like any other asset in Statamic

Instant playback
Just-in-time encoding ensures videos can be streamed immediately

Optimized streaming
Smart adaptive bitrates deliver the right resolution for your viewers' bandwith

Customizable player
Tailor the video player component to match your site's design

Real-time analytics
Get insights into your audience and video playback performance

Secure streaming
Protect your content using signed urls

Responsive Video

Just like image pipelines efficiently deliver optimized images for faster load times on a variety of devices and connections, video encoding services like Mux play a crucial role for optimizing video content. Video encoding demands more resources and expertise than image processing, so a dedicated service like Mux becomes essential for performant websites.

Why Mux?

While there is a host of services for video encoding to choose from, Mux offers all the key components: encoding, storage, and delivery. It stands out with its API-first approach prioritizing developer productivity, as well as its official web components for creating rich, customized video players.


Statamic Mux is paid software with an open-source codebase. To use it in production, you'll need to buy a license from the Statamic Marketplace.


Developed by Philipp Daun

Unlicensed commercial plugin